

High Security Revolving Door Replacement and Room modifications - DMEA

  •    Location: Defense Mi croelectronics Activity (DMEA) 4234 54 th St , McClellan California 95652
  •    Contract Cost: $227,927.02
  •  Date of Commencement: April 26 , 201 6
  •  Date of Completion: N ov ember 18 , 201 6
  •   Project Owner: Department of Defense (DoD)
  •  Contract Number: HQ0727-16-C-0006

The Defense Microelectronics Activity (DMEA) is a Department of Defense Laboratory located at McClellan, California. TSI was awarded th is contract in 2016 to replace two existing powered revolving doors with new 6’ - 6” interior diameter Boon Edam Tourlock 180+90 High Security Powered Revolving Doors . These doors are fully equipped w ith StereoVision and sensors to provide both anti - piggybac king and ant i - tailgating capability within the existing framed openings. Th e sc ope also included the reconfiguration of the double door entrance to a single door entrance in a fire corrido

Additionally TSI i nstalled a momentary button system to allow a “one person in” & “one person out” mode and free in switch on/off to allow “free in” or “card in” and free out switch on/off to allow “free out” or “card out” and lockdown switch on/off to immediately stop and lock the door s.

TSI maintained the new control system and the multiple remote operation control capabilities of the doors with the existing DMEA acces s control system for card reader entry/exit and manual control panels in each of the buildings’ security centers for authorized manual operation from al l security l ocations.

Our Team:

  • Prepared submittals including Work Plans, Project Schedule, Quality Control Plans, Site Health & Safety Plans including Activity Hazard Analysis (AHA) and Accident Prevention Plans (APP ).
  • Proposed a subst itute for materi al to save t he clie nts money and time.
  • Submitted employees name & fi nger print for security clearance to obtain clearance badges for each employee.
  • Our fie ld team delineated exterior revolving door with temporary fence to pr ovide safety for DMEA employees . The adjace nt door s were left open to provide access t o DMEA in order to not disturb daily operations. Daily at the end of the day, the door opening was covered with a 3/4" plywood & carriage bolts for safety purposes.
  • Removed existing and disposed of ex terior door located at DMEA lobby.
  • Installed new high security exterior revolving door s at lobby w ith a control panels and a powere d assist tec hnology de vice
  • Built a wall on one leaf of the double door to match with the existing bu ilding structure and fi nishes. Inst alled all necessary wiring for the card reader and other related work per the co n t ract.

Our construction management professionals organize, lead and manage the people, materials and processes of truction utilizing construction management professionals.

4600 Roseville Rd. Suite 140
N Highlands, CA 95660