

Improvements to El Portal’s Waste Water Treatment Facility El Portal, CA

  •    Location: Yosemite National Park 5083 Foresta Rd. El Portal, CA 95318.
  •    Contract Cost: $349,744.00
  •  Date of Commencement: July 11, 2016
  •  Date of Completion: April 21, 2017
  •   Project Owner: U.S. Department of Interior – National Park Service (NPS)
  •  Contract Number: P16PS00409

The project scope included the removal of existing manual bar rack and replacement with an automatic self-cleaning mechanical bar rack with an adjacent washer/compactor unit and water line for washer unit. Screenings disposal assembly consisted of a concrete pad, catch basin, sump pump with a discharge pipe, two 4-yard dumpsters and screening pipes. This project was vital to the health of the El Portal and Yosemite community. The upgrade performed by TSI provided the communities with a more efficient way of removing contaminants from municipal wastewater treatment plants.

Our Team:

  • Submitted shop drawings for the mechanical bar rack and all associated heavy machinery, project schedule, reviewed specifications and product sheets.
  • TSI partnered with Smith & Loveless (S&L) to design a mechanical bar screen and screen disposal assembly .
  • Removed the existing girt washer and replaced it with a new and improved girt classifier/washer (S&L Model 12SW-2CL).
  • Installed galvanized piping and diamond gratings.
  • Tied in the existing utilities (mechanical, electrical and plumbing) with the new utilities for the machinery.

Our construction management professionals organize, lead and manage the people, materials and processes of truction utilizing construction management professionals.

4600 Roseville Rd. Suite 140
N Highlands, CA 95660