

Install New Carpet Tiles

  •    Location: SSA - Frank Hagel Federal Building, 1221 Nevin Avenue, Richmond CA 94801
  •    Contract Cost: $139,988.00
  •  Date of Commencement: August,2017
  •  Date of Completion: Oct 08, 2018
  •   Project Owner: Social Security Administration (SSA)
  •  Contract Number: 28321318P00051426

TSI Engineering was selected to perform floor renovation work at SSA Frank Hagel Federal building. TSI started with moving of the entire furniture from the offices after they become vacant over the Labor Day weekend. Positions of all the furniture’s were noted by making photographs for purpose to place them back to their original position after installation of the new carpet tiles TSI moved all the furniture and removed all the carpet tiles after checking and making sure that there is no hazardous mastic or ACM tiles underneath that requires any protocols to follow. TSI removed the tiles and disposed in a dumpster for recycling. TSI removed all the adhesives underneath and wool pads, smooth the floor to prevent any bumps, fill major concrete cracks and holes. Removed all the base coves.

Scope of work included the followings

  • TSI installed all carpet tiles in a quarter-turn pattern. All seems looks aligned and parallel with the walls, and tight with no gaps.
  • TSI professionals used portions of cut carpet tiles at edges and other areas, as appropriate, to minimize waste and use the least possible materials from Government supplied stock.
  • TSI smooth all the floors and free from bumps or gaps prior to installing new carpet. Removed old adhesive, fill in gaps, and other actions required to create a smooth surface.
  • Removed all furniture, Appliances and Cabinets into the first floor lobby area before starting work within the above named spaces. Electrically and mechanically disconnect all power poles from each desk within the space before starting work; also reinstall the power poles after the carpet installation completed..
  • During work TSI Protected floors, walls, fixtures, furniture and other objects from damage and stains during the work.
  • Install new carpet edge transition strips wherever there are existing strips. Remove the existing strips and dispose of them. New edge strips were similar material, color and quality as the existing strips.
  • Clean the work area daily prior to leaving the work site. Vacuum clean the new carpet and adjacent work area so that no debris are visible at the end of each workday. Ensure that the work area is kept to as close to its original condition as possible.

Our construction management professionals organize, lead and manage the people, materials and processes of truction utilizing construction management professionals.

4600 Roseville Rd. Suite 140
N Highlands, CA 95660