TSI was awarded this contract to repair 130 x 73 ft portion of the Kings River levee which was in danger of failing. This was an emergency project for USACE. TSI was able to complete it successfully within a month to avoid the wet season.
Prepared and submitted pre-construction submittals including SWPPP, Health & Safety plan, activity hazard analysis (AHA), project schedule and work plan.
Conducted conditional surveys including haul route survey, geographic and topographic surveys.
Setup a staging area and a field office enclosed in temporary fencing.
Used a combination of turbidity curtains with interlock sheet pile shoring (Z-piles) to build a cofferdam to protect the river from any construction debris or runoff.
Dewatering operation from the construction area were performed in accordance with water quality construction permit conditions .
Excavation and Disposal of approximately 1400 cy of material.
1800 CY of approved fill material was hauled from designated stockpile and placed in 8” lifts.
Placement of aggregate base on levee crown and hydroseeding.
Implementation and maintenance of SWPPP.
Prepared As-built plans.