

Kings River Levee Breach Repair Lemoore, CA

  •    Location: Kings River, Lemoore, CA
  •    Contract Cost: $2,783,402.60
  •  Date of Commencement: September, 2018
  •  Date of Completion: November 2018
  •   Project Owner: Unites States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE)
  •  Contract Number: 28321317C00060010

TSI was awarded this contract to repair 130 x 73 ft portion of the Kings River levee which was in danger of failing. This was an emergency project for USACE. TSI was able to complete it successfully within a month to avoid the wet season.

Our Team:

  • Prepared and submitted pre-construction submittals including SWPPP, Health & Safety plan, activity hazard analysis (AHA), project schedule and work plan.
  • Conducted conditional surveys including haul route survey, geographic and topographic surveys.
  • Setup a staging area and a field office enclosed in temporary fencing.
  • Used a combination of turbidity curtains with interlock sheet pile shoring (Z-piles) to build a cofferdam to protect the river from any construction debris or runoff.
  • Dewatering operation from the construction area were performed in accordance with water quality construction permit conditions .
  • Excavation and Disposal of approximately 1400 cy of material.
  • 1800 CY of approved fill material was hauled from designated stockpile and placed in 8” lifts.
  • Placement of aggregate base on levee crown and hydroseeding.
  • Implementation and maintenance of SWPPP.
  • Prepared As-built plans.

Our construction management professionals organize, lead and manage the people, materials and processes of truction utilizing construction management professionals.

4600 Roseville Rd. Suite 140
N Highlands, CA 95660