

Design-Build Wash Down Facility

  •    Location: Sacramento Job Corps Center 3100 Meadowview Road, Sacramento, California 95832
  •    Contract Cost: $306,322.29
  •  Date of Commencement: January 2, 2012
  •  Date of Completion: January 9, 2013
  •   Project Owner: Department of Labor, Sacramento Job Corps Center
  •  Contract Number: B15918

TSI Engineering, Inc. (TSI) performed Design-Build engineering and construction services for this wash station project. The project was awarded on the basis of TSI’s technical approach to design structural concrete slab to take loads of heavy metal track mounted construction machinery & methodology adopted for zero discharge of effluent to sewer and storm drain.

Design-Build Challenges:

  • Wash Station with Zero Discharge to Sewer.
  • Technical Approach to Use Microbe or Chemical Based Recycling System.
  • Structurally Stable & Spall Free Concrete Slab for Metal Track Mounted Heavy Construction Equipments.

Following are the Key technical parameters on which this facility has been designed, constructed and finally made operational:

  • Design and construct environment friendly recycling system with zero discharge to sewer and storm drain.
  • Chose a right and versatile recycling equipment out of  nationally available techniques based on microbe or chemical action concept.
  • Design and construct structural concrete slab to take 50 tons loads of moving metal track mounted construction machinery for a traffic frequency of five (5) vehicles per day.
  • Evaluate concrete mix design (5,000 psi) with proper selection of ingredients to construct concrete slab having adequate resistance against concrete spalling by the movement of metal track mounted construction equipment.
  • Prepare and submit 15%, 50%, and 100% design phase plans and specifications to the Center for review & comments or approval.
  • Design and construct a wash bay measuring 60’x28’ with 15’ height (clearance) to accommodate all sizes of construction equipments available at the Center.
  • Design and construct mud retrieval area (32’x9’) with three (3) baffle walls with an allowable slope to maintain a pre determined water velocity for settling of mud particles under gravity.
  • Design to fabricate a metal building to cover wash bay and mud retrieval area to protect system from overspray and rain water.
  • Design and construct concrete pad (30’x18’) to install wash rack equipment including recycling system.
  • Design & construct 12’x18’ concrete pad to accommodate 20 yd mud disposal bin.
  • Design and install water, electric, & gas lines for the wash down facility.
  • Worked out details for operational cost analysis to wash a vehicle in the said facility.

TSI is the first Design-Build firm to implement an innovative “Partnering” program to create an owner-contractor relationship that promoted achievement of mutually beneficial goals on this complex design-build government construction project.

Our construction management professionals organize, lead and manage the people, materials and processes of truction utilizing construction management professionals.

4600 Roseville Rd. Suite 140
N Highlands, CA 95660