

Hagginwood Park Basketball Court Improvements

  •    Location: Hagginwood Park, 3271 Marysville Blvd., Sacramento
  •    Contract Cost: $71,352.00
  •  Date of Commencement: July 7, 2014
  •  Date of Completion: August 11, 2014
  •   Project Owner: Department of Parks & Recreation
  •  Contract Number: L19195203

TSI served as prime contractor on this construction project. TSI provided construction services included removal of existing asphalt concrete, old style basketball hoop, and benches, regrade existing areas to accommodate new 86 ft. x 53 ft. basketball court, place aggregate base to a depth of 12-inch, compact base, install 15-inch concrete curb around perimeter of proposed basketball court, install basketball posts, backboard, goal and net, place 4-inch thick asphalt concrete, provide basketball court surfacing and striping, install two 8-foot benches (Patterson Williams - Model #3111-08) and install lawn sodding in the disturbed areas and around basketball court

TSI feel the Hagginwood Basketball Court came out to be a success and it seemed as if on the day of it's inauguration many children along with adults enjoyed playing on it. Some of the feedback we got from the crowd after them being asked "how do you like the court" was "it is very nice, very fun to play on", and at times "it is beautiful".

Our construction management professionals organize, lead and manage the people, materials and processes of truction utilizing construction management professionals.

4600 Roseville Rd. Suite 140
N Highlands, CA 95660