

Pond Shoreline Repair & Erosion Control

  •    Location: Sacramento Valley National Cemetery, CA 95620
  •    Contract Cost: $203,978.00
  •  Date of Commencement: August 28, 2014
  •  Date of Completion: October 31, 2014
  •   Project Owner: Department of Veterans Affairs
  •  Contract Number: VA786-14-P-1154

The Sacramento Valley National Cemetery Pond Shoreline Stabilization Project included the restoration of 1600 lf shoreline. The Department of Veteran Affairs' goal for this project was to provide a long-term solution to shoreline erosion, restore the entire pond shoreline, and provide a usable and sustainable product for the public. This is an example of a unique project that incorporates green construction products, innovative construction methods, and a final product that is aesthetically pleasing while functioning memorial services for our national heroes.

Work included design shoreline erosion control system,  provide all materials, equipment, labor, and supervision to prepare the site and install erosion control riprap system on the pond shoreline. Investigate, protect and restore in place to the asbuilt conditions on the drawings of existing landscape plantings and irrigation systems that surround the pond. Regraded existing grades at the shoreline to restore the original contours of the pond to a 2:1 slope.  Install a geotextile fabric by burying the edges of the geotextile 6” deep and  overlap fabric seams per manufacturer’s recommendation.  Cover geotextile material with stone riprap (4-8 inches in diameter) and gravel bedding to a depth of 12 inches thickness and trench at base of riprap layer to a depth equal to the maximum riprap stone size.

Caltrans Method B for the riprap Placement was adopted at site. A footing trench was excavated along the toe of slope. Rock was placed as to provide a minimum of voids, and larger rocks was placed in the toe course and  the outside surface of the slope protection. The rock was placed by dumping and placed in layers by a backhoe and some areas with wheel barrows.

The challenging and vital importance part on this project was the continuation of irrigation of the cemetery turf throughout the period of construction, which was achieved systematically at the site.

Our construction management professionals organize, lead and manage the people, materials and processes of truction utilizing construction management professionals.

4600 Roseville Rd. Suite 140
N Highlands, CA 95660